List ( by species ) of Birds, Mammals, Cetaceans, Reptiles, and more
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June-July, 2009

Image List by Species


Please note: These images are merely thumbnails, so that they are easily downloadable
and do not represent the quality of the originals in any way.
* Copyrights Apply *

My entire life I've hoped to find and photograph Wolves.  Many trips to Ontario and British Columbia, Canada,
as well as Alaska and other places have left me empty handed - finally, at Milepost 46 on the Kougarok Road
north of Nome, Alaska (Seward Peninsula), on July 3rd, 2009 - GOT IT!
He was smart and sly, had seen him crossing the road and then into the willows just before stopping and looking
back at me, then I decided I'd be smarter than a wolf (hah!!), so pulled up just where he went into the willows
and turned the vehicle at an angle so I could get off a few shots as he came out the other side of the willows, wrong!
But, as I sit waiting for him I see something in the rear side mirror, and lo and behold the sucker had done a 180 on me!
But as he double-backed and crossed the road I was able to get off a few shots.
FINALLY after all these years for my quest to get shots of wolf!!
Gray Wolf (Kougarok Road MP 46, Nome, Alaska) Gray Wolf (Kougarok Road MP 46, Nome, Alaska)
Arctic Tern -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Arctic Tern -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Arctic Tern -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Long-tailed Jaeger -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
American Golden-Plover -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) American Golden-Plover -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
American Golden-Plover -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) American Golden-Plover -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
Pacific Golden-Plover -spring / Wooley Lagoon- (Nome, Alaska) Pacific Golden-Plover -spring- (Nome, Alaska)

Pacific Golden-Plover -spring / Wooley Lagoon- (Nome, Alaska) Pacific Golden-Plover -spring / Wooley Lagoon- (Nome, Alaska)
Pacific Golden-Plover -spring / Wooley Lagoon- (Nome, Alaska) Pacific Golden-Plover -spring / Wooley Lagoon- (Nome, Alaska)
Black-bellied Plover -spring- (Wooley Lagoon, Nome, Alaska) Black-bellied Plover -spring- (Wooley Lagoon, Nome, Alaska)
Semipalmated Plover -spring female- (Nome, Alaska) Western Sandpiper -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Whimbrel -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) Whimbrel -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
Whimbrel -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) Whimbrel -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
Whimbrel -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) Whimbrel -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
Hudsonian Godwit -summer- (Anchorage, Alaska) Hudsonian Godwit -summer- (Anchorage, Alaska)
Bar-tailed Godwit -spring male- (Nome, Alaska) Bar-tailed Godwit -spring female- (Nome, Alaska)
Bar-tailed Godwit -spring female- (Nome, Alaska) Bar-tailed Godwit -spring male- (Nome, Alaska)
Bar-tailed Godwit -spring male- (Nome, Alaska) Bar-tailed Godwit -spring female- (Nome, Alaska)
Bar-tailed Godwit -spring female- (Nome, Alaska) Greater Yellowlegs -summer- (Anchorage, Alaska)
Common Eider -spring male / v-nigra- (Nome, Alaska) Common Eider -spring female / v-nigra- (Nome, Alaska)
Long-tailed Duck -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Long-tailed Duck -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Red-necked Grebe -summer- (Anchorage, Alaska) Tundra Swan -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
Red-throated Loon -spring female w/chick- (Nome, Alaska)
Glaucous Gull -spring adult- (Nome, Alaska) Glaucous Gull -spring adult- (Nome, Alaska)
Glaucous Gull -spring adult w/ 1st cycle- (Nome, Alaska) Glaucous Gull -spring 1st cycle- (Nome, Alaska)
Mew Gull -spring adult- (Nome, Alaska) Mew Gull -spring adult- (Nome, Alaska)
Short-eared Owl -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Willow Ptarmigan -spring female- (Nome, Alaska)
Northern Shrike -juvenal / Teller Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
Northern Wheatear -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) Northern Wheatear -spring / Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
American Pipit -spring adult- (Nome, Alaska) Eastern Yellow Wagtail -spring- (Teller, Alaska)
Golden-crowned Sparrow -spring- (Nome, Alaska) American Tree Sparrow -spring adult- (Nome, Alaska)
American Tree Sparrow -spring juvenile- (Nome, Alaska)
Lapland Longspur -spring male- (Nome, Alaska) Lapland Longspur -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Rough-legged Hawk -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Bald Eagle -summer- (Anchorage, Alaska)
Northern Three-toed Woodpecker -spring- (Girdwood, Alaska) Hoary Redpoll -spring- (Teller, Alaska)

Musk Ox -on Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) Musk Ox -male w/calf on Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska)
Musk Ox -male w/calf on Kougarok Rd- (Nome, Alaska) Musk Ox -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Musk Ox -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Musk Ox -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Caribou -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Caribou -spring calf- (Nome, Alaska)
Caribou -herd in spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Red Fox -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Red Fox -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Hoary Marmot -spring- (Palmer, Alaska) Pika -spring- (Palmer, Alaska)
American Beaver -spring- (Nome, Alaska) Arctic Ground-Squirrel -spring- (Nome, Alaska)
Gray Wolf (Kougarok Road MP 46, Nome, Alaska) Gray Wolf (Kougarok Road MP 46, Nome, Alaska)

Scenery Shots
Anchorage International Airport, Anchorage, Alaska
Kotzebue, Alaska -from air- (just above the Arctic Circle) Kotzebue, Alaska - Air Terminal Building
Nome, Alaska -from the air- Nome, Alaska - Air Terminal Building
Kougarok Road -north of the Kuzitrin River- (Nome, Alaska) Wooley Lagoon -out the Council Road 40 miles from Nome-
Teller Road -about 65 miles from Nome- Teller, Alaska -coming into village about 72 miles from Nome-
Council Road -near Solomon with old gold rush train remains- Cotton Grass -grows all over the tundra-
Flowers on the Tundra (Kougarok Road, Nome, Alaska) Flowers on the Tundra (Nome, Alaska)

a lot more that I didn't put up yet for the June/July, 2009 ALASKA gallery

For those who wish to come to Nome, Alaska, and find reasonable home style lodging, at an affordable price,
contact George Fulwood at "Old Alaska Rooms"

Click Here to Email for Reservations
(first week of June may be more difficult as the busiest time, but email regardless)


Image List by Species


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Monte M. Taylor / All Rights Reserved. 36 USC 380
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